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  • Jill C. 10:07 pm on December 7, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Accessories, , , , makeup cases, , , silk shirts, thai silk products, warehouse   

    Jim Thompson Sale at BITEC December 7-8-9, 2012 


    Jim Thompson SaleThe semi-annual big blowout warehouse Jim Thompson Sale is on! There are thai silk products, cotton fabrics and accessories, clothes, purses, makeup cases, Christmas cards, hats, tote bags, and toys at Hall 106 BITEC 10:00 – 17:00. Cotton fabric is 250 baht per meter, and silk goes for 310 baht per meter. I bought polo shirts for 850 baht marked down from 1600 baht. Clothing is in U.S. sizes and nice cotton.

    There are some items made only for the BITEC sale. There are two sales per year, in June and December. Items are discounted over 50% from retail. BTS sky train station –  Bang Na, exit 1 a short walk to BITEC. You’ll see a large sign. Inside BITEC grounds, catch a shuttle to the entrance.

    There is a coffee shop at the sale so you can have a snack. Upon entering the hall, staff give you a large plastic bag to shop with, and they cover your purse with a plastic bag and tie it. Once inside, fill your bag with items. It’s a madhouse!

    There are tee shirts, silk shirts, purses and bags, bean bag chairs, placemats and table cloths, duvet bed covers, etc. After shopping a while, you can go sit in the middle, which is a roped off area. Here people sit on the floor and spill out the contents of their bags. They sort and reconsider, and rest and wait for other members of their party. Finally, head to the checkout. After paying by cash or credit card, take your receipt out to the lobby to the counter for a free gift if you spent over 6,000 baht. In the lobby there are fruits and veggies, flowers and gift food items. Then at the counter at the front right, get free gift bags and boxes. Just show your receipt. Have fun!

  • Jill C. 5:26 pm on May 25, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Accessories, , Hair,   

    Wholesale Hair Accessories at Raan Jiap 

    Here is the place to get plain hair clips, hair bands, earrings, and rings. They have tons of decorations to make your own hair accessories, also decorations for clothes, shoes, and purses, and supplies to make nylon flowers. It’s near the Ratchawong Pier in Chinatown, Bangkok.  Hours are 6:00 am to 4:00 pm daily. Except for half day on Sunday. They also have a branch at Pratunam on Soi Petchaburi 19. It looks really nice.

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